March Author Event Series
Deep Wild Journal panelists
Date: |
March 1, 6:30 pm-8:00pm |
Continues Until: |
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533 Main St. Grand Junction, CO 81501 |
Details: |
“Words from the Wild,” a reading featuring five regional writers from the journal Deep Wild: Writing from the Backcountry, the home for creative work inspired by journeys to places where there are no roads, will take place at Out West Books in downtown Grand Junction, 533 Main Street, on Wednesday, March 1, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Deep Wild contributors Peter Anderson of Crestone, Jill Burkey of Grand Junction, and Wendy Videlock of Palisades, and editors Heidi Blankenship of southern Utah and Rick Kempa of Grand Junction will read stories and poems inspired by their journeys on the Colorado Plateau and beyond. Click here for the event website |
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, Mar 1 |
Deep Wild Journal panelists
6:30pm-8:00pm, 533 Main St. Grand Junction, CO 81501
“Words from the Wild,” a reading featuring five regional writers from the journal Deep Wild: Writing from the Backcountry, the home for
creative work inspired by journeys to places where there are no roads, will take place at Out West Books in downtown Grand Junction, 533 Main Street, on Wednesday, March 1, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Deep Wild contributors Peter Anderson of Crestone, Jill Burkey of Grand Junction, and Wendy Videlock of Palisades, and editors Heidi Blankenship of southern Utah and Rick Kempa of Grand Junction will read stories and poems inspired by their journeys on the Colorado Plateau and beyond.
Deep Wild Journal
6:30pm-8:00pm, Out West Books, 533 Main St. Grand Junction, CO 81501
Deep Wild Journal contributors Peter Anderson of Crestone, Jill Burkey of Grand Junction, and Wendy Videlock of Palisade and editors Heidi
Blankenship of southern Utah and Rick Kempa of Grand JUnction will read stories and poems inspired by their journeys on the Colorado Plateau and beyond. The 2022 issue of Deep Wild: Writing from the Backcountry offers our largest gathering yet of writing inspired by places where there are no roads, by 25 poets, 6 fiction writers, and 20 essayists—including the winners of the Deep Wild Graduate Student Essay Contest. Also featured is a portfolio of multi-media work by California-based artist Andie Thrams. The cover art is by Utah artist Bessann Swanson.
Saturday, Mar 4 |
Presented by Alpine Bank
7:00pm-9:00pm, 195 W. Main St., Cedaredge, CO
High energy interpretation of acoustic music.
Tuesday, Mar 7 |
Reading Your Written Work in Public
6:00pm-7:30pm, 1803 N. 7th Street
I’d Rather Die, They Said: Reading Your Work in Public with John R. Lanci Polls indicate that the number one fear people have is a fear of
public speaking. Fear of death only comes in second. Join John Lanci for a workshop on how to overcome fear and become a more effective reader of your own work. John, current vice president of the Western Colorado Writers’ Forum, has forty years of public speaking under his belt—as a teacher, a giver of stirring sermons, and a retreat master. Our time together will be a workshop, not a lecture, in which participants share their experiences as well as their own tips for sharing their work with others. NO ONE WILL BE FORCED TO FACE THEIR FEARS!! Come and listen to your peers, and share if you like.
with Grand Junction City Council Candidates
6:00pm-7:30pm, 1803 N 7th St, Grand Junction, CO 81501
The Grand Valley Creative Alliance will present the 2023 Arts and Culture Forum on March 7th, Tuesday evening from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. This
moderated question-and-answer session is held each election cycle with the Candidates running for Grand Junction City Council. The March 7th event will be held at The Art Center, 7th & Orchard, in Studio Colorado and is open to the public.
Wednesday, Mar 8 |
Geology Underfoot on Colorado's Western Slope
6:30pm-8:00pm, 533 Main St. Grand Junction CO 81506
About the Author: Amy Ellwein is a Senior Partner at Paradox Geologic and a Research Professor, Western Colorado University. She lives in the
Gunnison Country. From the publisher: This tenth book in the Geology Underfoot Series offers an inside view of the uniquely enigmatic landscape west of the Continental Divide in Colorado. In this arid region where mountain snowmelt drains through deep canyons en route to the Gulf of California, the crumpled gneisses of the Colorado Rockies meet the famous red rocks of the Colorado Plateau. Nothing is simple here, with rich metal ores filling fractures of supervolcanoes, small mammals flourishing in a world of giant dinosaurs, and rivers shifting course with each new uplift or eruption of lava. Join a team of geologists as they use clear prose, concise illustrations, and dramatic full-color photographs to tell the deep-time stories of 26 geologic sites, including four giants of the national park system: Mesa Verde National Park, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Colorado National Monument, and Dinosaur National Monument. Fossil collectors, rockhounds, hot potters, coal miners, and adventurers of all ages can use this guide to better understand the geology underfoot throughout Colorado’s beautiful Western Slope.
Geology Underfoot on Colorado's Western Slope
6:30pm-8:00pm, Out West Books, 533 Main St., Grand Junction, CO 81501
Geology Underfoot on Colorado's Western Slope with author Amy Ellwein, PhD. Mountain Press $26 About the Author: Amy Ellwein is a Senior Partner
at Paradox Geologic and a Research Professor, Western Colorado University. She lives in the Gunnison Country. From the publisher: This tenth book in the Geology Underfoot Series offers an inside view of the uniquely enigmatic landscape west of the Continental Divide in Colorado. In this arid region where mountain snowmelt drains through deep canyons en route to the Gulf of California, the crumpled gneisses of the Colorado Rockies meet the famous red rocks of the Colorado Plateau. Nothing is simple here, with rich metal ores filling fractures of supervolcanoes, small mammals flourishing in a world of giant dinosaurs, and rivers shifting course with each new uplift or eruption of lava. Join a team of geologists as they use clear prose, concise illustrations, and dramatic full-color photographs to tell the deep-time stories of 26 geologic sites, including four giants of the national park system: Mesa Verde National Park, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Colorado National Monument, and Dinosaur National Monument. Fossil collectors, rockhounds, hot potters, coal miners, and adventurers of all ages can use this guide to better understand the geology underfoot throughout Colorado’s beautiful Western Slope.
Friday, Mar 10 |
3:00pm-7:00pm, Bookcliff Vineyards 670 39 Road Palisade, CO
2nd Friday of each month Bookcliff Vineyards invites 2 or 3 artists from the Grand Valley to showcase their art work while enjoying cheese and wine.
(usually live music)
Wednesday, Mar 15 |
Go as a River
6:30pm-8:00pm, Out West Books, 533 Main St., Grand Junction, CO 81501
Go As A River with author Shelley Read. About the author: Shelley Read is a fifth generation Coloradoan who lives with her family in the Elk
Mountains of the Western Slope. She was a Senior Lecturer at Western Colorado University for nearly three decades, where she taught writing, literature, environmental studies, and Honors, and was a founder of the Environment & Sustainability major and a support program for first-generation and at-risk students. Shelley holds degrees in writing and literary studies from the University of Denver and Temple University’s Graduate Program in Creative Writing. She is a regular contributor to Crested Butte Magazine and Gunnison Valley Journal, and has written for the Denver Post and a variety of publications. From the publisher: From the Publisher: Inspired by true events surrounding the destruction of the town of Iola in the 1960s, Go as a River is a story of deeply held love in the face of hardship and loss, but also of finding courage, resilience, friendship, and, finally, home—where least expected. This stunning debut explores what it means to lead your life as if it were a river—gathering and flowing, finding a way forward even when a river is dammed. It’s poised to be one of the biggest debuts of the spring, with rights sold in twenty-eight territories and counting, and a major movie deal to be announced soon.
Wednesday, Mar 22 |
5:30pm-7:00pm, 1310 Ute Avenue Grand Junction, CO 81501
All KAFM Board of Directors meetings are open to the public. Meetings are scheduled in KAFM's Radio Room, every 4th Wednesday of the month at
5:30PM MTN, in KAFM's Radio Room, 1310 Ute Avenue, Grand Junction, CO 81501.